Lee Stokes
Consulting Editor
Lee Stokes has over a decade of experience in the publishing industry as a developmental and copy editor. He specializes in fantasy/sci-fi and romance, and has worked on projects for a number of video game companies. As an author, he is currently represented by the Ladderbird Literary Agency.

Susanne Thomas
Senior Editor
Susanne Thomas reads, writes, parents, and teaches from the wild and windy west in Wyoming. She's a former editor of both Gravel Magazine and Foliate Oak. Besides her five kids and husband, she loves fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, poetry, children's books, mythology, science, coffee, and puns. And socks. She really loves socks. That's a lot of things to love, but luckily, there's a lot of love in the world.

Jay Barlow
Editor and Acquisitions Reader
Jay Barlow (They/Them) graduated with a Masters in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. They spend most of their time teaching their two rescue pups new tricks and smothering them in kisses, much to the dog’s chagrin. They love fantasy/sci-fi, romance, comics, and action adventure movies. When not weeping over fanfiction, they can be found serenading passersby with an out of tune bass guitar. They currently reside in Tennessee, with all the soul food and peach cobbler they can eat.
Wicked Taxidermy Press is a collective of industry professionals, writing instructors, and volunteers working together to provide quality speculative fiction to readers and exciting and varied publishing opportunities for authors.
If you would like to donate towards operation costs, you are welcome to do so below. Donors will be acknowledged in the book their funds are put towards and separately on a permanent page on the website.
If you would like to volunteer as a submissions reader, or contest judge (when applicable) please send an email to admin@wickedtaxidermypress.com.